Prep Time

30 Minutes

Cook Time

15 Minutes



Ingredients & Instructions


  • 6-8 Mission Plain Sliders


  • Burger mix

    Oil for cooking

    2 cups mushrooms – brown/Shitake

    2 cloves of garlic

    ½ cup panko crumbs

    1 tsp soy sauce

    1 tsp honey

    ½ tsp onion powder

    1 egg

    Extra panko crumbs for rolling burgers

    Sesame seeds


  • Avocado dressing:

    ½ cup avocado

    ½ cup mayonnaise

    Juice of 1 lime


  • To serve:

    Mashed avocado (optional)

    Thinly sliced red onion

    Sliced tomato



  • Step 1

    Make burgers. Chop mushrooms and garlic. Sauté garlic in a frying pan with oil, add mushrooms, season with onion powder, salt and pepper. Cook until softened and remove from the pan.

  • Step 2

    In a large bowl mix cooked mushroom mixture with soy sauce and honey. Add panko crumbs and egg. Mix and form small patties (about ¼ to 1/3 cup of mixture each). Roll in additional panko crumbs and sprinkle with sesame seeds. This mixture should make between 6 and 8 slider sized patties.

  • Step 3

    Pan fry burgers in a small amount of oil, turning over when browned.

  • Step 4

    Make Avocado Sauce. Mash avocado and mix with mayonnaise and lime juice.

  • Step 5

    Warm and soften sliders in a pan or microwave.

  • Step 6

    Spread mashed avocado on one side of the sliders, place two burgers or two halves on top with onion, tomato, coriander, and avocado sauce. Fold slider and secure with cocktail sticks to serve.

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