Prep Time

3 Minutes

Cook Time

6 Minutes



Ingredients & Instructions


  • 6 Mission Soft & Fluffy Butter Flavoured Wraps

  • 2-3 cups sunflower oil

Featured Product


  • Step 1

    Heat sunflower oil in a pan over medium-high heat. Oil should get to approximately 120-130°C.

  • Step 2

    Heat up 6 Mission Soft and Fluffy Butter Flavoured Wraps in the microwave, as per packet direction.

  • Step 3

    Once the oil has reached 120-130°C, gently place one wrap into the pan and press down with a slotted spatula to immerse the wrap in oil. The wrap will start to puff up against the spatula. At this point, you can remove the spatula and let the wrap puff up. Flip the wrap over and remove from the pan, once golden on both sides (approximately 30 seconds per side). Place the puri onto paper towel to absorb any excess oil. Repeat the step for the remaining wraps.

  • Step 4

    Transfer puri onto a serving plate and serve with your favourite curry.

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