Environmental Scope

Mission Foods, a leading food company, located at 49 Gateway Blvd, Epping Victoria, is committed to protecting the environment and meeting expectations of our people and all stakeholders by:

  1. Maintaining compliance with all relevant legislation, regulations and codes of practice.

  2. Establishing and maintaining environmental best practice management systems:
    Certified to international Standard ISO 14001,
    • Implementing environmental management programs to reduce our environmental footprint, Deliver on Mission Foods commitment to corporate responsibility in the supply chain through acting in line with Company’s Procurement Policy in the sourcing of goods and services
    • Scope of certification ISO 14001, manufacture, packaging and storage of wheat flour tortilla, corn flour tortillas, corn chips, taco shells, speciality flat breads and dinner kits.
  3. Practicing sustainable environmental principles through the philosophy of reduce, reuse and recycle.
    • Reducing consumption of natural resources such as water, energy and packaging materials,
    • Reducing our carbon emissions across the business,
    • Minimising waste generation and maximise landfill diversion through recycling and reuse,
    • Taking a responsible approach to packaging stewardship for our products including maximising the use of recycled materials.
  4. Sustainably manage Company’s site to ensure minimal impact on the environment, biodiversity and the community in which we operate. We identify issues related to manufacture of our products (corn and flour tortillas, corn chips, taco shells, flat breads and dinner kits) and focus on:
    • Preventing pollution
    • Minimizing our environmental footprint
    • Reducing consumption of water and energy
    • Using chemicals that are less toxic to the environment
    • Reducing risk of harm to the environment
  5. Reducing Embodied energy of the processes associated with our production (from processing of natural resources to manufacturing, transport and product delivery) by constantly trying to source local products.

  6. We aim to partner with industry, our suppliers and customers to follow sustainable environmental practices, which minimise impact on land and resources. We take responsibility for any activity that occurs in the manufacturing life cycle including:
    • procurement of raw material,
    • design, manufacturing, maintenance, storage of all materials,
    • disposal of internal waste such as food waste, general waste, recycling waste and packaging waste,
    • transportation of finished goods and raw materials
  7. Optimising engagement with our people and all other key stakeholders – in particular:
    • Encouraging and involving all our people to incorporate this policy into their daily work and decision-making,
    • Communicating the intent of this policy with all stakeholders
    • Maintaining and communicating effective emergency plans to minimise the risk and impacts of environmental incidents,
    • Communicating with suppliers and contractors the value of implementing environmental systems ISO 14001 and supporting robust sustainable environmental practices.
  8. Mission Foods manages its activities using Environmental Management System, approved by the VP Operations Gruma Oceania, supported by an Environmental Representative. Information is documented in line with ISO 14001 International Standard.

  9. Mission Foods takes every precaution to ensure the plant operates according to an Environmental Management System (EMS) that is compliant with the ISO 14001 International Standard. Mission Foods is committed to continual improvement to be achieved by :
    • Evaluating, Documenting, Reporting and Responding to monitored facts and data
    • Commit to planning actions to achieve environmental objectives

Luis Mitre
VP Operations

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Title:  Environmental Scope
Code: EP 2.0   |   Version No:  1.5  |    Issue date: July 2024